Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On my search for Annapolis...

One letter came in from Katte, who recommended I talk to her father, now retired.

"My father has been a long time resident of Annapolis with lots of stories I'm sure he would love to share ... he was involved in the rowing team for many years and was also the team captain..."

"He also was a sailor for many years ..."

Sounds great - I like sailing stories.

"...I'm sure he would love the company as well as the interview and maybe (help) your readers not to forget the people of the past in Annapolis."

That is key.

We need to remember, see, and sense the past.

So much of my life has been shaped by older people telling incredible stories in places I have lived.

I want my son to have those experiences as well.

Thanks Katte and I will be calling him.


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