Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lots of Posts coming up

The wait in between posts here is not because I have not had ideas but maybe because I have had too many. I plead for patience. Working on several posts at the same time and you will see some of them roll out in the next few days.

I know blog posts are supposed to be fairly extemporaneous, but these need to be developed more than most.

A preview:
  • Discovering Annapolis - the Naval Academy - a special experience to a newcomer.
  • Philip Merrill's impact on me (Though I only met him a few times and only had one long - and loud - conversation with him). What an introduction to Annapolis! What he told me about his view of the newspaper in Annapolis.
  • My impressions on the new mall opening, talking with some business leaders, and other community people. If I get the time to edit it, a video I shot at the mall opening - it was fun.
  • A letter from another newcomer -
  • A discussion I would like to have about citizen journalism - more about the direction we are going with the web sites - more about getting readers - users - YOU - onto the stage and hearing you speak to us and to the rest of the community.
  • What IS Annapolis anyway? How does the rest of the county fit in? What about the smaller communities? Are we city, suburbs, hometowns, developments, sprawl, all the above or what? This one is going to be a good discussion. Might save this for last of this bunch.

(If you have thoughts on these subjects - email me - I would like to make it more than a monologue).

These are all on the stove - different burners. Not sure which one will come out first. Check back soon.


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